Welcome to the No Limits Fit Club page! A group of 5 Beachbody Coaches, including myself, started this fit club to help train you how to master the moves and perform efficiently to get the most out of your workout. It is FREE for the community to work out with us! We want to challenge your body and help motivate you to work out every day whether you are over weight, just want to lose a few pounds, maintain your fitness and improve your strength, or simply if you want to be part of a group and meet new people...this Fit Club is for you. The programs are so much fun you will want to keep coming back for more! So what are you waiting for??? Join us at nolimitsfitclub.net and create your profile page to find out when we will host the workouts. Once you join, you will be emailed the details weekly for upcoming workouts that are scheduled and which workout we will be doing that week. It's a great opportunity to meet new people and learn about what Team Beachbody is all about!

The No Limits Fit Club will be held at Mease Dunedin Hospital in meeting rooms 1 and 2. Please do not park in patient and visitor parking; park on the street. Go in the main entrance (NOT Baycare Alliant Hospital) of the hospital and veer right. It's just pass the gift shop on the right.

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