Friday, August 31, 2012

Toning vs Bulking

Ladies...toning WILL NOT BULK you up; it is one of the best things you can do for your body. You would have to spend hours in the gym lifting heavy weights in order to bulk up.
Your metabolism has slowed down because you've lost muscle. The truth is lifting weights will speed up your metabolism and cause your body to burn more fat.

 The idea is to lift  HEAVY weights to break down the muscle fibers. Then your body will repair the muscle and make you stronger with a little growth. Adding muscle to the body and decreasing your fat will make you look leaner not bulky. There is a big difference between definition and bulk, and you want definition!

 Lifting a light weight for 8 to 12 reps will not get the job done. The proper way to get that sleek defined look is to lift HEAVY, because the idea is to challenge your muscles and keep lifting until it is too hard to lift another rep. If you use a light weight, you will be lifting all day to get that muscle tired, and I don't know about you, but I don't have time to lift all day. Therefore, lift heavy weights until you reach fatigue. If you can still lift another rep after 12 reps, you weights are too light. If you can't lift anymore reps before 8 reps, your weights are too heavy.

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