I have been drinking Shakeology for a little over 2 months. In the process, I was able to lower my cholesterol from 219 to 141 and lower my A1C from 13.6 to 6.1. My Endocrinologist is amazed with my results and shares my success with her patients who have been trying to get these results for over 30 years. Furthermore, my mom just got her A1C results and after drinking Shakeology for just over a month has lowered her A1C from 7.9 to 7.0. I am so amazed with Shakeology and how it has helped me and my mom with our diabetes. Every time I talk about Shakeology, I want to cry...not a sad cry...a very happy cry. I am so passionate about this Shake and how it has helped millions of people. I feel fantastic! The super foods in this shake help regulate blood glucose levels and is very low on the glycemic index.
Will exercise and eating a healthy balanced diet lower both your A1C and Cholesterol? ABSOLUTELY! However, it will take you longer to get there. Shakeology offers so much more than a lower cholesterol or A1C. There is something to help everyone...that's how POWERFUL it is. Canada considers it an ALL NATURAL medicine. Is it a miracle Shake? Maybe....it certainly is in my book. Everyone should be drinking it! If you want to see results like I have, try it...it can't hurt. There is a bottom of the bag guarantee, so if it's not helping you..just return it for your money back. I guarantee you will make it a necessary part of your daily life.
After you decide to order your Shakeology, I would love to hear from you and how it has changed your life. Follow my blog and feel free to follow me on Facebook and Twitter!
Order your Shakeology today! http://myshakeology.com/deanarejko
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